"Being Frauds is a yearly thing": Dak Prescott and Cowboys trolled by fans as America's team falls to 3-5 on the road (2024)

Just two weeks ago, Dak Prescott was the MVP favorite and the Cowboys were being considered among the favorites to win the Super Bowl next year. Two consecutive losses on the road to the Buffalo Bills and the Miami Dolphins has punctured that optimism.

The Dallas Cowboys are now 10-5 and their loss today failed to put pressure on the Philadelphia Eagles before their game against the New York Giants tomorrow. Jalen Hurts will try to lead his team to victory at home in that matchup and if they do, the Eagles will be 11-6.

If Dallas finishes second in their division, they will have to go on the road for the playoffs and their record away from home is abysmal. Counting this Christmas Eve loss, they are 3-5 when they are not in Dallas. At home, they are 7-0. Extrapolating that, they will be underdogs in the postseason of that happens.

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NFL fans slam Dak Prescott and Cowboys after road loss to the Dolphins

Fans have noted this difference in home and away forms. They took to X, formerly known as Twitter, to slam the Cowboys and their quarterback as frauds. Here are some of the best responses on the platform.

Christmas evening might see Cowboys and Eagles fans on the same side

For all the talk about Dak Prescott and Jalen Hurts, it is Brock Purdy who leads the best offense in the league. The San Francisco 49ers are the team to beat in the NFC and they are good on both sides of the ball.

However, they will host the Baltimore Ravens for Monday Night Football on Christmas in a matchup that is being billed as a preview to a potential Super Bowl. Both share the same 11-3 record and it should be fascinating contest.

The 49ers have looked like the better team overall because they have consistently beat all challengers, no matter how tough, that they have faced. But this is a different ballgame altogether.

San Francisco's singular weakness is run defense. They allow 4.3 yards per carry, which is 29th in the league. The Ravens, meanwhile, have the best rushing offense, averaging 163.8 yards per game. Having an elite dual-threat quarterback like Lamar Jackson helps with that number.

If the 49ers cannot slow downt the Ravens running attack, they could be quickly brought down to earth. And that will open up the race for the NFC top seed once again between them and the Eagles, with the Cowboys retaining an outside chance. For once, both Dallas and Philadelphia fans will be asking Santa for the same Christmas gift.

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"Being Frauds is a yearly thing": Dak Prescott and Cowboys trolled by fans as America's team falls to 3-5 on the road (9)

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"Being Frauds is a yearly thing": Dak Prescott and Cowboys trolled by fans as America's team falls to 3-5 on the road (10)

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"Being Frauds is a yearly thing": Dak Prescott and Cowboys trolled by fans as America's team falls to 3-5 on the road (11)"Being Frauds is a yearly thing": Dak Prescott and Cowboys trolled by fans as America's team falls to 3-5 on the road (12)

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"Being Frauds is a yearly thing": Dak Prescott and Cowboys trolled by fans as America's team falls to 3-5 on the road (13)

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As an expert and enthusiast, I don't have personal experiences or beliefs, but I can provide you with information on the concepts mentioned in the article you shared. Let's break down the key concepts and provide relevant information:

Dak Prescott and the Dallas Cowboys

  • Dak Prescott is a professional football player who plays as a quarterback for the Dallas Cowboys in the National Football League (NFL).
  • The Dallas Cowboys are a professional football team based in Dallas, Texas.
  • The article mentions that Dak Prescott was considered the MVP favorite and the Cowboys were considered among the favorites to win the Super Bowl next year.
  • However, the Cowboys recently suffered two consecutive losses on the road to the Buffalo Bills and the Miami Dolphins, which has affected their standing and optimism.

Jalen Hurts and the Philadelphia Eagles

  • Jalen Hurts is a professional football player who plays as a quarterback for the Philadelphia Eagles in the NFL.
  • The Philadelphia Eagles are a professional football team based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
  • The article mentions that Jalen Hurts will try to lead his team to victory in their upcoming game against the New York Giants.

Playoff implications for the Dallas Cowboys

  • The article mentions that if the Dallas Cowboys finish second in their division, they will have to go on the road for the playoffs.
  • The Cowboys' record away from home is mentioned to be abysmal, with a 3-5 record.
  • This suggests that if the Cowboys have to play playoff games away from home, they may be considered underdogs.

San Francisco 49ers and the Baltimore Ravens

  • The San Francisco 49ers and the Baltimore Ravens are professional football teams in the NFL.
  • The article mentions that the 49ers and the Ravens will face each other in a Monday Night Football matchup on Christmas.
  • Both teams have an 11-3 record and the game is being billed as a preview to a potential Super Bowl matchup.
  • The 49ers are noted to have a weakness in their run defense, while the Ravens have the best rushing offense in the league.

Please note that the information provided above is based on general knowledge about the NFL and the mentioned teams. For specific details and up-to-date information, it is recommended to refer to official sources such as NFL websites, team websites, and sports news outlets.

"Being Frauds is a yearly thing": Dak Prescott and Cowboys trolled by fans as America's team falls to 3-5 on the road (2024)


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